MARCH 28, 2018
The ACA and Complex Care
Last week, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) celebrated its eighth anniversary. In my own way, I honored this milestone by attending a two-day retreat with Advisory Committee of the Camden Coalition’s National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs. A dedicated group of consumers, policy experts, and health and social service providers came together to discuss this growing movement/field/practice and where it is headed.
The ACA created the opening for the emerging, interdisciplinary practice of complex care. Today, the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) are working to create a Blueprint for Complex Care to focus and sustain the momentum. The Blueprint project is currently in the research phase, and the final document will be available this fall.
You can help shape the future of #ComplexCare by answering this brief survey. Share the challenges you have faced and the opportunities you see in the field of complex care.